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  • Writer's pictureMaurice Howland

Why Doesn't The North Carolina Railroad Company (NCRR) Like New Bern?

For the past 25 years the City of New Bern and the New Bern Preservation Foundation (NBPF) has been trying to renovative the New Bern Train Depot. Through much effort, the building has been stabilized by the NBPF after years of demolition by neglect by the North Carolina Railroad Company (NCRR). Renovation by the NBPF was stopped when it was realized that the lease between the NCRR and the City of New Bern was unworkable. The reason given by the NCRR was that the train depot was too close to the railroad tracks and needed to be moved.

Approximately 50 feet away from the New Bern Depot lies Hancock Street. There the NCRR's easement is curb-to-curb with parking and vehicle traffic. Parking and vehicle traffic closer to the tracks is safe while a stationary building is not?

Meanwhile in Raleigh, NC, the NCRR is taking credit for helping with revitalization of the Raleigh Train Depot.

And, in Greensboro, NC the NCRR claims it doing the depot renovation on their dime:

So, why is New Bern getting jerked around?

Dissolution is the Solution


North Carolina Railroad Company President & CEO Carl Warren -

NC Senator Jim Perry -

NC Representative Steve Tyson -

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Jan 16

"revitalization of the Raleigh Train Depot" is a funny way of saying " demolish the existing historic building, blow the developer cabal, and let them run amok.


Jan 14

It's obvious that they are clearing tracts of land for developers.

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